Friday, January 20, 2017

What Does It Mean?

Nothing good, according to Dan Froomkin.
The White House is now in the hands of a pathological liar and megalomaniac, a mutation spawned of our celebrity culture, a thin-skinned authoritarian whose only real constituent is himself, and whose intentions, to the extent we can discern them, are to destroy a lot of the things that make this country (truly) great.

Plus he has no idea what he’s doing. He’s slowly collecting corrupt and venal misfits who hate government and thrusting them into positions of power, with the sickly acquiescence of a self-serving Republican leadership that until recently saw him as a madman. But even they don’t know what they’re saying yes to.


Donald Trump ran a long con on the American people, promising them to clean out Washington, make the economy work for them, and disentangle us from international quagmires. He is perhaps the least likely person in the world to do any of those things.


At The Intercept, we’re already accustomed to viewing the claims of powerful people skeptically, and finding sources willing to reveal information the government wants to keep hidden but the public has a right to know. That is how we will approach our coverage of the Trump administration: adversarially.

And we hope we’ll be serving another purpose going forward, especially as the media elites feel the pressure to accept this as the new normal. We’ll stay outraged. Because there is nothing normal about this.

  The Intercept
And...he's in.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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