Thursday, September 29, 2016

Trump Is a Communist???

"Communist Cuba" in case the slower of you didn't see the problem immediately.

"Bombshell".  You wish.  Trump unabashedly stated in the debate that his avoidance of taxes was smart business.  How is his avoidance of Cuban sanctions any different?  His supporters will just see another wily businessman move.

And there's that, too.

All the Putin scare hasn't been working.  Apparently enough people realize that Russia is no longer a communist country.  It's been off the boogie man radar since Condi Rice left Washington and Dubya looked into Putin's soul and saw a beautiful thing.  They're trying desperately to bring it back to the top, since we can't keep all the players straight in the Middle East long enough to rally the pitchfork brigade.  Besides, nobody can pronounce those Arab names.

I have to wonder if the MSM really believe their own bullshit, or if they're now painting Trump with the commie brush because that's the only trigger his supporters might fear.  They sure as hell don't care that he's actually a narcissistic, bigoted, money-grubbing, vengeful, racist, sociopathic, misogynistic, tax-evading capitalist asshole.  That seems to be what they like about him.

Since it's so close to election time, the MSM - who, ironically gave him the good free press he craved from the beginning - now need a bigger threat than Putin inspires.  Maybe they can find a Trump connection to dead Hugo Chávez (or Shavezz, as the brigade knows him) before November.

They really need to connect him to Colin Kaepernick.  That would do the trick.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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