Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Meanwhile in Brazil

RIO DE JANEIRO — The anticorruption minister of Brazil’s interim president, Michel Temer, resigned Monday night after a secret recording seemed to show that he tried to stymie the sweeping corruption investigation revolving around Petrobras, the national oil company.

That's a page right out of American national governance: appoint the person most disqualifiable for the position. Appoint the guy involved in the corruption to oversee the anti-corruption department. Priceless. 's actual title was: minister of transparency.

In an increasingly paranoid atmosphere in the capital, Brasília, members of the country’s political and business elite are secretly recording one another with the aim of reaching plea deals. Sergio Machado, a politician who was the chief executive of a Petrobras transportation unit for more than a decade, has turned over a trove of recordings to investigators.

In doing so, Mr. Machado, who has been accused of helping to orchestrate the Petrobras bribery scheme, is betraying various senior political figures whom he recorded.
So we can probably expect more revelations.

...but hey, do what you want...you will anyway.

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