Saturday, October 3, 2015


On Glenn Greenwald's Twitter account today, there's a little dust-up about Glenn reporting the US airstrike on the hospital in Kunduz without "condemnation...of Russian bombing of civilians."  Glenn, quite unprofessionally calls Michael Cohen a "jingoistic sociopath" - must have been having a bad day. Cohen then moves to this jingoistic, sociopathic bullshit:

This is the jumping off point where so many "liberals" and "Christians" lose me: that the killing of innocents, mass slaughter, bombing (dumb or smart) and all the other evils of war are somehow justified in some cases and not in others.  First of all, it's willfully naive (or self-deceptive) to think that the US has some humanitarian, i.e. "good", motive for bombing and warring in other countries.  And secondly, even if that WERE the case, the end result is the same no matter what the motive.  It's ALWAYS bad.  Recognizing a "difference" is to support the end result: Slaughter, torture, brutalization, and annihilation of culture, livelihood, body, mind and spirit for one side, loss of conscience and humanity for the other.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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