Friday, April 10, 2015

Amazing and Creepy At the Same Time

Doctors seem to be a step closer to performing a breakthrough surgery: transplanting a human head onto another body. A Russian man with a rare genetic muscle-wasting disorder has volunteered to be the first to try the procedure.


He said that his disease is getting worse every year, and usually people with Werdnig-Hoffman disorder – a disease that wastes muscles – don’t live longer than 20 years, so it would be a chance to prolong his life and help scientific research in the process.

I hope they have a plan for the possibility that it “takes” but something goes terribly wrong.

Cue the fundamentalists: those evil, Godless Russians.
The operation is set to be conducted by renowned Italian surgeon Sergio Canavero, who sees the procedure as comparable to space exploration.
Oh. Sorry. Those Godless Eyetalians.
An ultra-sharp scalpel will be used to cut through the spinal cord, and a special biological glue will be used to connect the head to the new body.
Five years ago, another groundbreaking procedure took place, when a Spanish man underwent a full face transplant.
Now THAT has to be mind-blowing. I once got bitten by a mosquito on the bridge of my nose, and the slight swelling gave me a very different look. I think I liked it better, actually. Hope the new face was pretty.  Would it change your personality eventually if you looked different?  I think it might.

Hold out for a good body, dude.

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