Wednesday, January 7, 2015

New Job for Mike Rogers

And what a surprise...
Former U.S. Representative Mike Rogers (R-MI) joins CNN as a national security commentator offering expert analysis on a wide range of political, counterterrorism, and national security topics.

This Mike Rogers?
Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Michigan) and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-California) — chairpersons of the House and Senate committees, respectively — each opined as to a secret Snowden-Russia relationship during appearances on the political talk show circuit this weekend.


"I believe there's a reason he ended up in the hands - the loving arms - of an FSB agent in Moscow,” Rep. Rogers said during a Meet the Press appearance that aired on Sunday “I don't think that's a coincidence," he said.

This one?
"As I close this chapter in my life, I am excited to begin a new one that allows me to continue serving as a voice for American exceptionalism."

  The Hill
This one?
Rep. Mike Rogers, Michigan Republican, predicted Sunday the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report, which is expected to be released Tuesday, would be used as a propaganda tool by terrorist groups to incite anti-American unrest.

“I think this is a terrible idea,” Mr. Rogers said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “Our foreign partners are telling us this will cause violence and deaths. Foreign leaders who have approached the government say you do this, it will cause violence and deaths. Our own intelligence community has assessed that this will cause violence and deaths.”

  Washington Times
Way to go, CNN.

 ...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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