Monday, November 17, 2014

Anonymous vs. KKK

Apparently, Frank Ancona of a KKK Missouri chapter has been distributing leaflets about using lethal force against Ferguson protesters.

Anonymous has already gotten in the fray.

I'm guessing some KKK sympathizer reported it.  But, here's the transcript at ZDNet:

KKK Twitter accounts insulted and mocked Anonymous on the microblogging site until Sunday evening when Anonymous declared a victory in the form of snatching the account of @KuKluxKlanUSA.


UPDATE November 16: This post has been updated to add a second Twitter account takeover by Anonymous (@YourKKKCentral) and a website attack on the KKK, as well as ZDNet having received the following unconfirmed message two hours after this article's publication:
Also.... we have compromised personal accounts (which give us more faces), tied up their phone lines and filled every voicemail and inbox with love. We have barely scratched the surface, keep that pencil out....

We do not forgive. We do not forgive. We are Anonymous. Expect us.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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