Tuesday, October 14, 2014

America: Champion of Democracy

[T]he U.S. government has a long and sorry record of overthrowing democratic governments. Just a partial list since World War II would include: Mossadegh in Iran in 1953, Arbenz in Guatemala in 1954, Allende in Chile in 1973, Aristide in Haiti twice, Chavez in Venezuela briefly in 2002, Zelaya in Honduras in 2009, Morsi in Egypt in 2013, and now Yanukovych in Ukraine in 2014. The next target of a U.S.-embraced “democratic” coup looks to be Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela.

  Robert Parry: Consortium News
Another site lists additional cases, calling its list just “the tip of the iceberg”. In that tip, in addition to those listed above, are Viet Nam in the 50s, Congo 1961, Brazil 1964, Indonesia 1965, and Dominican Republic 1965.
Nicolas Maduro is not the issue. Hugo Chavez was never the issue and none of the individuals mentioned above were ever the issue. What was, and is, the issue is the effort of a galvanized populace to wrest control of their economic life from U.S. investors and the local stooges who do their dirty work.

  Popular Resistance
For a truly staggering list, read William Blum’s “Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II “. You don’t even have to buy it: Click here (http://sandiego.indymedia.org/media/2007/02/125025.pdf)

Where did this policy of overthrowing democratically elected leaders begin? Looking at the fact that these particular democratic leaders were not dedicated capitalists, we see the beginning in the Soviet Union.
What was there about this [1917 Russian] Bolshevik Revolution that so alarmed the most powerful nations in the world? What drove them to invade a land whose soldiers had recently fought alongside them for over three years and suffered more casualties than any other country on either side of the World War?

The Bolsheviks had had the audacity to make a separate peace with Germany in order to take leave of a war they regarded as imperialist and not in any way their war, and to try and rebuild a terribly weary and devastated Russia. But the Bolsheviks had displayed the far greater audacity of overthrowing a capitaist- feudal system and proclaiming the first socialist state in the history of the world. This was uppityness writ incredibly large. This was the crime the Allies had to punish, the virus which had to be eradicated lest it spread to their own people.

  Killing Hope

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