Thursday, March 6, 2014

Lakota CryptoCurrency

I hope this works for them...the Lakota Nation is authoring their own BitCoin style currency - MazaCoin.
[MazaCoin creator Paul] Harris says that MazaCoin is designed to avoid [Bitcoin] Mt. Gox-style booms and busts. Prior to the launch of the currency, Harris mined 25 million MazaCoins for the Lakota Nation's reserve, which can be tapped in a crisis.


Mining MazaCoin is designed to be a simpler process that requires less processing power than Bitcoin, which Harris says makes it both easier to learn and more environmentally friendly than other cryptocurrencies.

MazaCoin was embraced quickly by the cryptocurrency community, many of whom noted its promising opening performance.

Environmentally friendly? Obviously I don't know anything about cryptocurrency. How environmentally unfriendly can it be?

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