Monday, January 13, 2014

Good Luck, Lady

According to a CNN report, the woman who revealed that 10 percent of the student-athletes at the University of North Carolina are reading below a third-grade level has been the subject of multiple death threats.

Worse still, Mary Willingham told CNN, UNC has refused to support the findings of a study it asked her to conduct. According to Willingham, when CNN asked her for data about the scholastic aptitude of student-athletes, she provided the network with information that UNC had collected.

“It’s in their system,” she said. “They have all the data and more. It belongs to them, and they paid a lot of money for it.”

UNC claimed otherwise, writing in a statement that “[u]niversity officials can’t comment on the statistical claims mentioned in the story because they have not seen the data.”


UNC also claimed that “[s]uch analysis is not part of [Willingham's] job duties at the university,” but she provided CNN with emails she exchanged with university officials demonstrating that she had approval both to conduct her research and share her findings.

The university said it plans to meet with Willingham to “discuss” her findings.


University police said that they are “looking into it and making effort to reach out and investigate the nature of the threats.”

  Raw Story
Do they think we don't know what goes on?  Hiding "proof" doesn't change it.  I guess it keeps the lawsuits at bay.

When I was at University of Missouri, I took a basic horticulture course whose professor told us that the less academically capable athletes were in his class because it was considered an easy course, and that, on top of that, the university dictated that the professor give the test answers to them prior to every exam.  

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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