Thursday, April 25, 2013

Just Not the Brightest Bulbs on the Tree

Mother Jones has an article titled The 11 Most Mystifying Things the Tsarnaev Brothers Did. In it, you will no doubt see items that you were also wondering about.  One of them, and the first thing I wondered about them, is that the younger one was wearing a backward ball cap and no sunglasses, as though he had no concern for being caught on camera.  What Mother Jones doesn't include in that item is that, while the older one had on sunglasses and a ball cap, he had on a very distinctive and not very common ball cap, which I guess he could have ditched later, but it seemed like an odd choice to me for someone who, one would think, would want to blend into a crowd and remain incognito.

Another of the items is that the car they jacked was a Mercedes, as was their car, which they had put in the garage for repairs and then wanted to retrieve after the bombing.  I wonder - did they wait around for a Mercedes to jack?  Another story says that they were going to make their way to New York to celebrate. 

Early on, and the more I read about what was known publicly as well as the impressions of acquaintances of these two guys, I've formed a bystander's impression of spoiled, frat-type young men with machismo issues, and not a lot of sense.  It seems like the older one was hell-bent on self-destruction for some time, and the younger one just wanted attention or thrills.  Or both.    I imagine it's more complex than that, but I have a feeling I'm not far afield.

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