Tuesday, November 13, 2012

To All Celebrants of the Latest Election...

...Chris Floyd has a question for you:

Is this child dead enough for you?

Go read the article.

...but hey, do what you want...you will anyway.


Mr. 618 said...

I suspect that if Romney and Ryan had been elected, within a few months, there would have been untold thousands of dead "Moozlums" because, hey, "they ain't white, Christian males, is they?"

The death of even one child -- regardless of his/her politicial leanings (if any), and regardless of the politicals beliefs of his/her parents -- is horrendous. And yes, we should declare victory and get the hell out.

Cause if we're still there if or when the Rethuglicans get power, the entire Muslim world would be destroyed to appease the Sweet Baby Jeebus.

m said...

perhaps. and yet, we're managing to slaughter thousands of muslims pretty well without the republicans. thanks for reading and writing.