Friday, November 2, 2012

"Most Likely" I Voted

We have some bizarre voting machines here in Galveston. They look like touch screens, but they're not - You spin a wheel that rotates the selector through the choices, and then click an "enter" button when you get to your choice. When you get to the write-in, you have to spin it through an alphabet letter board. Since all the other candidates are listed as "presidential candidate/vice presidential candidate," I was concerned that the write-in would have to be in that same form. There was no "/" on the letter board, so I asked one of the election officials whether the proper way to enter my choice was to just put Rocky's name in or add Rodriguez along with it, without the "/". She said "most likely" just putting Rocky's name would be the proper way. So "most likely" I voted for Anderson/Rodriguez. I can only be CERTAIN that I didn't vote for any of the other pairs on the ballot. Yes, we need some serious overhaul to our election process, and not just with the machinery.


Anonymous said...

I just did the same here in Houston, wrote "Rocky Anderson." Sure hope it worked. Our machines are wretched.

m said...

yeah, probably just one more way to ignore us and keep the status quo.