Friday, November 9, 2012

Fire Your Lawyer Son

Something you should have done over a year ago.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

A US army private facing court-martial for allegedly leaking secret documents to the WikiLeaks website has offered to plead guilty to less serious offences than those with which he has been charged, his lawyer said.

In a blog post, David Coombs, attorney for accused WikiLeaks source Bradley Manning, said late on Wednesday that Manning was not actually pleading guilty to charges filed against him by military prosecutors. The private faces life imprisonment if convicted of the charges.


Instead, Manning is "attempting to accept responsibility for offences that are encapsulated within, or are a subset of, the charged offenses," Coombs wrote.


That's lawyer speak, or as we call it on planet earth: bullshit.

Are there no lawyers out there - perhaps in the ACLU - who would have taken this case and given Manning an aggressive offensive defense?   Not enough money in it?  Opponent too scary?  No public support?  Granted, this is not the country it was 50 years ago, but still....

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