Wednesday, July 25, 2012

You Heel

Years ago while living in San Francisco, when Dan White murdered Harvey Milk and George Moscone in San Francisco and propelled Dianne Feinstein to political heights, I had the pleasure of a visit in my kitchen from a man (whose name I am ashamed to say I do not remember) who wrote a song which I believe was nominated for a BAMMIE, sung to the tune of Kenny Rogers' You Picked a Fine Time to Leave Me Lucille.  This song was called, I believe: Ode to Dan White.    The only words I can remember are the first two lines: You picked a Feinstein to lead me, you heel.  Four lousy years and she doesn't like queers.

Glenn Greenwald has a post today about Ms. Feinstein's (and her defense contractor husband's) enrichment while she's been a senator snarling after whistleblowers all the while being "one of the biggest leakers in Congress."

If you are voting for Ms. Feinstein (jeez, how long has she been in Congress?), please stop.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.


Anonymous said...

I lived in San Francisco in November of 1978 and I remember hearing the song on the juke box in a Tenderloin bar. I've always wanted a copy of it. And, don't forget the line from the song that went: "Old Frisco was gayer before dan shot the mayor."

m said...

!! you are right. thanks for that reminder. truly, i wish i could find a copy.

many thanks for reading and writing here.

m said...

and! i just remembered the line after that: "...and Harvey was lost in the deal." You picked a Feinstein to lead me, you heel.