Saturday, July 28, 2012

Unless It Was Intentional, Of Course

As someone who supported (and supports) TARP, my criticism [is] primarily aimed at the failure to condition bank bailouts on their taking actions that helped homeowners.


I don't think [Treas. Sec Tim] Geithner's motivations really matter on this. His policies on the homeowner crisis were simply incompetent, disastrous and by any measure a complete and utter failure. If that answer is difficult for you, then you are either ill informed or not telling the truth.

You can argue that Geithner faced political constraints that did not allow him to go further, but that is not what Team Geithner has ever said. They said they got the policy just as they wanted. This seems likely in that there was over $40 billion available to structure a much better homeowner relief program (for say, a HOLC program.)


The long and short of it is Tim Geithner has a been a terrible Treasury Secretary when the country needed a great one.

Speaking for me only.

  Talk Left
No. For me, too.

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