Wednesday, June 13, 2012

What's Wrong with America?

To have good leaders you have to have good followers — able to recognize just authority, admire it, be grateful for it and emulate it. – David Brooks
Let's run down the list, shall we? Vietnam. Watergate. Iran-Contra. Iraq's WMD's. The recent crushing of the financial system by faceless gamblers and shameless mountebanks. Why in the name of god would anyone be suspicious of "the elites"? I'm not sure, but I think we're coming around to those people who are ruining America by eating Cheez Whiz in their trailers, watching Cops, and fucking without regard for David Brooks's advice.


We don't follow well enough any more, because we're in our trailers, watching the tube and screwing without the permission of our betters. We should trust our institutions like we did in 1925, when black people were being lynched with impunity, and the entire financial system was being cored out without anyone noticing. That certainly worked out well.

  Charlie Pierce
...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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