Friday, April 6, 2012

New Meaning for the Term "War Games"

According to a story leaked to the Daily Telegraph, the CIA warned Britain’s security and intelligence agencies that al-Qaida was planning an attack 18 months ago but withheld detailed information. It quoted security sources saying the US move was in retaliation for a decision by UK courts more than two years ago to disclose a brief summary of CIA information.

That information confirmed that Binyam Mohamed, a British resident secretly flown to Guantánamo Bay, had been brutally treated. The CIA information was passed to MI5 and MI6, who fought unsuccessfully to suppress it.

The Telegraph on Thursday described MI6 as being particularly “frustrated” after receiving “only the tip not the intelligence” about an alleged plot in which armed terrorists dressed as civilians were planning an indiscriminate attack on British soil.


Government officials talk of the US withholding “little pieces” of intelligence information. They suggest the US move led to unnecessary use of British counter-terrorism resources but concede that the US would never withhold life-threatening intelligence.

  Raw Story
You sure about that?

Sickening, but not at all surprising.

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