Friday, April 20, 2012

"The Danish Incident"

In case you missed it, an Israeli soldier smacked a Danish man with the butt of his rifle, an action which was captured on YouTube and caused an international sensation. That Danish man speaks about it thusly:
He said the international community had a duty to intervene when wrong was being done. "The colour of my skin and my nationality gives me great privileges. We have to use that to stand in solidarity with the Palestinians."


"The global media wouldn't care at all if a Palestinian had been hit in the face with a rifle."


"It has been framed in the media as the 'Danish incident', as though this is not how the IDF normally act," he said [...]. "But what happened to me is nothing compared to the systematic violence carried out on Palestinians. This is not a single incident, it's what we see every day. But it's very difficult to move the focus from me to the issues of the Palestinian struggle in the West Bank."


"I've seen people whose homes have been demolished in the middle of the night by dozens of soldiers, people who are left with nothing. I've seen Bedouin villages without running water or electricity next to Israeli settlements with total control over water resources. I've seen people denied their basic human rights and any hope for the future."


[The Israeli soldier – "wearing a type of kippah associated with the national-religious settler movement" - ] said he did not "accept this as a moral failure in any way [but] it could have been a professional mistake to use a weapon in front of the cameras".

  UK Guardian
How right he is. He's been sidelined from active duty for two years.

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