Monday, March 26, 2012

Not ONLY Arrogant

 Proof exists that the terrorists are winning. They have managed in the last several decades to pump stupid gas into the White House on a regular basis.
The president earlier got an up-close look into the isolated Stalinist state [of North Korea] when he climbed a clifftop observation post 25 metres from the demarcation line that has divided the Koreas for six decades.

After squinting through high-powered binoculars from behind a bulletproof screen over a border guarded by mines, barbed wire and tank traps, Mr Obama said he had stared into a "time warp".

He then turned towards a huge North Korean flag flapping in the stiff breeze at half-mast to mark the 100th day since Kim Jong-Il's death, and to a horizon dotted with rudimentary buildings peeking through the haze.

Today's "Daily Twain" (right sidebar) seems nicely appropriate: 
The older we grow the greater becomes our wonder at how much ignorance one can contain without bursting one's clothes. --Mark Twain
I don't intend to defend the government of North Korea, but let me make just a couple of points.

There aren't likely to be any large population centers or centers of industry on the heavily guarded, often battled border between South and North Korea, now are there? Just how powerful are those binoculars?

“If a country can’t feed its people effectively, if it can’t make anything of any use to anybody, if it has no exports other than weapons and even those aren’t ones that in any way would be considered state of the art.

“If it can’t deliver on any indicators of well-being… for its people… then you’d think you’d want to try something different,” Obama said in a highly undiplomatic and unusually frank public appearance. “There are certain things that just don’t work and what they are doing doesn’t work.”

  Raw Story`

And, not to put too fine a point on the weapons issue, but North Korea does have nuclear weapons – just how “state of the art” do nukes have to be to be effective? And they have a space program.

Maybe he should turn those binoculars onto the US.

 I can see Alaska from my porch.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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