Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Have Rove and Cheney Become Impotent in the GOP?

[Karl] Rove, who is a terrific tactician but a lousy strategist, launched the GOP on a course of short-term gains at the expense of long-term viability when he engineered the nomination of George W. Bush, an empty vessel into which Dick Cheney and the neo-con brain trust poured their ideas.


Rove and the GOP itself is now reaping what he sewed -- a party openly hostile to blacks and immigrants [...] and the middle class and poor -- that has become whiter, older and crankier, a reality reflected in a field of presidential wannabes who are short on ability and long on out-of-the-mainstream ideas.

Somewhere up there Harry Truman is laughing his ass off.

  Kiko's House

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