Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Not Ninety Days; Not Even One

Staff Sgt. Frank Wuterich won't serve any jail time for his role in the slayings of 24 Iraqi civilians in 2005, a military judge said Tuesday.

The judge, Lt. Col. David Jones, said he had planned to sentence Wuterich to 90 days in the brig, but his hands were tied by a plea agreement that the defendant reached with prosecutors on Monday.

Under the deal, Wuterich, 31, pleaded guilty to negligent dereliction of duty and received a reduction in his Marine Corps rank to private. The agreement was approved by the convening authority over the military court-martial, Camp Pendleton Lt. Gen. Thomas Waldhauser.


"I sit here today to take responsibility for whatever measures my words or directions contributed to the tragedy that resulted in the deaths," he said.

  NC Times
Really? How?

Politicians and other crooks who’ve been busted for moral, ethical and legal failures all seem to parrot that phrase: “I take full responsibility.” As though admitting wrongdoing is synonymous with taking responsibility.

...but hey, do what you want...you will anyway.

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