Saturday, December 17, 2011

Scary Perry - Just Another Leech on Society

Texas Governor and current Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry appears to have pulled something of a fast one on his state’s taxpayers by officially “retiring” earlier this year so that he could begin collecting an annual pension of $92,376 at the same time as he continues to draw his $150,000 a year salary as governor.


Perry was asked about the payments during a campaign stop in Iowa on Friday and replied, “That’s been in place for decades … I don’t find that to be out of the ordinary. [The Employee Retirement System] called me and said, ‘Listen you’re eligible to access your retirement now with your military time and your time and service, and I think you would be rather foolish to not access what you’ve earned.’”


The payments certainly appear to be legal but could prove embarrassing for the governor, who has complained about entitlement programs and has proposed a partial privatization of Social Security as part of his presidential campaign.

  Raw Story
No, it won't. People who support these yahoos don’t see any problem with collecting welfare for themselves. It’s just welfare for the undeserving, truly unentitled – generally brown - people  they object to.  It will be used by his GOP opponents, however.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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