Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Ron Paul Can No Longer Be Ignored

The governor of Iowa says that if Ron Paul wins the GOP caucus, the best thing to do is to “ignore him” – and [...] you can see the “mainstream” media agrees.

  Justin Raimondo
They’re not going to keep ignoring him. They’re going to bring out those old racist pamphlets.
Roger Ailes and his wrecking crew hope to cash in on the “research” of one Jamie Kirchick, at the time a government employee who worked for the misnamed “Radio Free Europe,” whose piece in the New Republic last presidential election cycle cited a number of newsletters put out under Paul’s name that are supposedly “racist.”
Yeah, those.
Paul clearly did not write these newsletters, and – if I know him, and I do – in all likelihood didn’t even read them. He’s said so not once but several times over the years, and that should be the end of it – but not for bottom-feeders like Lowry, and his ilk, who thrive on dirt.
That is never "the end of it" in politics. And Paul certainly should have read them – they were going out under his name, and he knew that much.
The same scumbags who put out the Willie Horton ad, and who have gloried in describing President Obama’s “Kenyan anti-colonialist mentality,” are now launching an “anti-racist” campaign against Doctor Paul – the one Republican candidate who not only calls for ending a “drug war” that targets blacks but who also stood up against the Muslim-hating gay-bashing crazies on the stage at those Republican debates.
Yeah, that’s the way it works. Politics is dirty. And I assume Paul knows that, too.

The irony is that Republicans will spit on him for racism.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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